This website celebrates 20 years online - 01/11/2023

This website dedicated to the Tupolev Tu-144 SST, first supersonic airliner that flew, celebrates its twenty years online. In those two decades the site has grown until became one of the best sites on the Internet dedicated this aircraft. This has been possible thanks to the cooperation of many people all around the world.

Thank you very much to all of them and to all the people that visit this site.

Confirmed the total loss of the An-225 - 01/04/2022

After the Russian troops withdrew from the Hostomel airfield, Antonov company workers have been able to access the facilities where the An-225 was parked and have been able to verify that the aircraft is damaged beyond repair.

The front half of the aircraft has completely disappeared, including the cockpit. The central part has burned to such an extent that the starboard wing has completely separated and rests on the ground while the port wing is still attached to what remains of the fuselage. Part of the main landing gear has also burned. The only thing that remains in one piece is the rear half of the aircraft and the double rudder, although it is completely full of bullet holes.

This status makes almost impossible the restoration of the aircraft, in fact it has to be rebuilding instead of repaired. Only the fact that we are talking about an exceptional plane can make us believe in an extraordinary effort to bring it back to the skies.

Antonov An-225 Mriya destroyed! - 27/02/2022

For the second time in the history of this site it is necessary to focus attention on a plane other than the Tu-144, and in this case it is not good news. The Antonov An-225 Mriya, the largest aircraft in the world for almost 30 years, has been destroyed at the Hostomel airfield, outside Kiev, during the fighting that occurred after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The news has been confirmed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba. However, the manufacturer of the aircraft, Antonov, has stated that until the inspections are finished, they cannot determine if it is completely destroyed or not.

Copyright Alexander Beltyukov-2012.

The Antonov An-225 Mriya (meaning Dream) was born in 1988 when, paradoxically, both countries were part of the Soviet Union and as part of the Soviet space program to carry the Buran space shuttle. After the Buran program was cancelled, the An-225 was placed in storage until in 2001 it was restored and became the world's largest cargo aircraft.

Some other reports indicate that the second unfinished unit of the An-225, stored in Svyatoshino airfield since the 1990s, has also been destroyed during Russian invasion. If this is true, it makes the possibility of ever seeing this engineering marvel fly again almost impossible.

Monument to Tu-144 is unveiled in Zhukovsky - 24/08/2019

After much work and effort, the monument to the Tu-144 has been unveiled at the intersection of Tupolev Street and Tupolev Highway, just in front of the main entrance to the Zhukovsky Air Base.

The special event was opened by Yuri Prokhorov, Mayor of Zhukovsky, and Alexander Konyukhov, General Director of Tupolev PJSC. Residents of Zhukovsky, employees of Tupolev PJSC and other aircraft manufacturing companies became guests of the celebration. In the sky, Su-30, MiG-35, and Tu-95 airplanes greeted the ceremony participants.

Copyright PJSC «Tupolev»-2019.

CCCP-77114 performs her last “flight” - 10/08/2019

Copyright Russian Aviation-2019.

On August 10, 2019, on the eve of the International Aviation and Space Airshow MAKS-2019, the Tu-144LL re-registered as CCCP-77114 was installed as a monument at the entrance to the Zhukovsky air base, a place chosen by residents during a popular vote. Previously were reassembled the wings, that had been removed for road transport, by using a crane and several hydraulic jacks.

Two big cranes were used to raise the aircraft to the top of the three pillars specially built to support the recently restored Tu-144LL. The rain and the strong wind that whipped Zhukovsky at the time of such a delicate operation were not an obstacle for it to develop smoothly.

The next step will be to turn the Tu-144LL into a museum with a landscaped area, colorful lighting, a sales point for aviation souvenirs and publications, and that also allows visits inside the plane.

CCCP-77108 backs to life! - 19/07/2019

On this day, and after 15 years, a team under the direction of the Associate Professor of the Department of Operational Applications of Samara State University (SGAU) V.P.Pokazeev, managed to reactivate the electrical systems of the Tu-144S registered CCCP-77108, which is located in the SGAU training camp in Smyshliayevka (Samara).

The plane was powered by GPU Gaz-66. AC and DC current were tested. A cold start of the APU was made, cannards were deployed and nose lowered successfully. All systems worked normally!

Second stage of the final trip for the new CCCP-77114 - 16/07/2019

Early in the morning, in order to avoid heavy traffic in the highway, has been proceeded with the second and final stage of the transportation of the Tu-144LL registered CCCP-77114, recently restored to its original livery, until her final displaying place. According to the initial reports, once the wings are reassembled, the aircraft will be raised on three pillars to give the impression that it is taking off, but currently no foundation is seen for these pillars in the place where the Tu-144 has been located.

Copyright Artur Sarkisyan-2019.

First stage of the final trip for the new CCCP-77114 - 15/07/2019

As planned, the Tu-144LL serial number 08-2, recently restored to its original livery and registration CCCP-77114, has been transported today to the main entrance to the Zhukovsky air base. The plane was towed backwards through the access road to the base because it facilitated the manoeuvre to access the highway the next day.

Both wings were disassembled in previous days since said access road to the base is not wide enough for the airplane to fit. Once it reaches its final location, the wings will be attached again before the aircraft is installed as a monument.

The transport of the CCCP-77114 begins - 12/07/2019

Copyright Valery Fedorovich Vanshin-2019.

Once the repainting work of the Tu-144LL with serial number 08-2 has been completed, it will be moved to its definitive location. For this it is necessary to disassemble the wings that have been moved separately to the place where the plane will be installed as a monument.

The process of moving the plane is planned to be done in two phases; the first on July 15 will be transferred to the entrance of the Zhukovsky air base, and the second the next day when taking advantage of the hours of less traffic on the highway will be taken to the roundabout where it will be put on display.

CCCP-77114 is back! - 30/06/2019

After several days of work, the Tu-144LL with serial number 08-2 has recovered the original livery of Aeroflot with which it left the factory almost 40 years ago. The flag of the Soviet Union and the CCCP-77114 register have returned to their tail and the typical blue stripe shimmers again along its fuselage. This is the image with which from next August will be installed as a monument at a road junction near the Zhukovsky air base.

Copyright Valery Fedorovich Vanshin-2019.

The repainting of the Tu-144LL number 08-2 begins - 23/06/2019

Work in progress for the repainting of the Tu-144LL. To begin with, the plane was completely covered in ground. Then different colours are applied according to each zone; steel grey for the belly and white for the wings, the fuselage and the tail. Finally, the blue stripe, the logos, the new CCCP-77114 register and the Soviet flag on the tail will be painted.

Copyright Valery Fedorovich Vanshin-2019.

Preparation works for repainting - 18/06/2019

The scaffolds begin to surround the Tu-144LL with serial number 08-2 that is being prepared to be repainted in the original Aeroflot livery. The first thing is to protect the parts that should not be painted like the windows of the nose cone, windows of the fuselage and the front and main landing gear.

Copyright Valery Fedorovich Vanshin-2019.

Soon RA-77114 will become CCCP-77114 - 07/06/2019

The Tu-144LL registered RA-77114 is about to become a monument in Zhukovsky. Soon it will be moved about two kilometers to its final location but before it will be repainted in its original Aeroflot livery. The plane has been preparing for this for several years and last week they moved it to a special shed where the cleaning and painting will take place.

What seems to be a happy ending for this aircraft will be thanks to the collaboration and work of many volunteers who helped take care of the plane and took an active part in all the preparatory work.

Monument to the legendary Tu-144 in Zhukovsky - 29/05/2019

The administration of the city of Zhukovsky announced that the monument to the world's first supersonic passenger plane will be installed on August 7.

The aircraft, which will be installed on three pillars at a road junction near the Zhukovsky air base, will be the one currently registered as RA-77114. This aircraft was the last Tu-144 to fly in 1999 when it was used as a test bed in a joint program with NASA. Before its installation as a monument it will be repainted in the original livery of Aeroflot and will recover its original registration CCCP-77114.

CCCP-77107 looks great! - 24/10/2017

The Tu-144S registered CCCP-77107 has received a new coat of paint as a final phase in the external restoration of the aircraft. The original livery that she wore in her maiden flight in 1975 has been repainted, this includes the Soviet flag and the CCCP-77107 registry. Four red covers with a white cone have been placed in the holes where the engines were. The only difference with the original livery is that the name “Aeroflot” and the logo of the company have not been painted and the fuselage looks white with only the blue stripe.


CCCP-77107 performs her last “flight” - 26/05/2017

On this day has been completed the installation of the Tu-144S registered CCCP-77107 in her new home in the centre of Kazan. After 32 years in the backyard of the Institute of Aviation a new life begins for this marvel of the engineering, she will be the centrepiece of a museum open to interactive experiences. CCCP-77107 performed her last “flight” with the presence of the rector of KAI, Albert Gilmutdinov, and enthusiastic students waving blue flags.


Two cranes were used for to perform the operation. One of them was a very special one, a Liebherr LTM 1800, the only one in the Volga region capable to lift until 800 Tons. Even before the aircraft was raised by the cranes it was clear that the distance between the supports for the main landing gear was not right, and the same happened with the forward landing gear. It was needed the best of the whole team to solve those issues and at the end of the day the Tu-144 was successfully installed in her final resting place.

Next step is to repaint the aircraft. It has not been thought of a livery different from the original Aeroflot, even with the Soviet flag in the tail, since that is the time to which it belongs. It is likely that the logos of those companies that collaborate in the restoration will be added.

It is scheduled that the restored cabin, with an interactive museum, will be open for visitors the 31st December 2018 for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first flight of the prototype Tu-144 registered CCCP-68001 in the airbase of Zhukovsky, close to Moscow.

They did it! CCCP-77107 reassembled on time for anniversary celebration - 11/05/2017

As they promised, the Tu-144S registered CCCP-77107 has been reassembled in time for celebrations of 85th anniversary of foundation of KNRTU-KAI. Only a few weeks ago this marvel of technology was moved in pieces to her current location in order to put it on display as a monument. The engineers have done a fantastic countdown job by attaching the nose, wings and tail and today the plane is in one piece to celebrate the birthday of the KNRTU-KAI. The next goal is to raise it and place it to the top of the pedestal that will be her final home.


CCCP-77107 successfully moved to her new location - 15/04/2017

In the night of the April, 15th the Tu-144S registered CCCP-77107 was moved to her new location in the centre of Kazan, this aircraft had been parked during the last 32 years in the backyard of the Institute of Aviation of the Kazan National Research Technical University. In the last months, nose, both wings, the four engines and tail were dismantled in order to make the transportation easier. In despite of that the convoy still had a weight of 63 tons and more than 90 meters length.


A special truck was used for transportation though the streets of Kazan on a route of 9 km that took a total of six hours. All kind of urban furniture were removed to allow the movement of convoy and electrical wires of trolleybus were raised by company staff in those places where the Tu-144 was too high to pass through. Just in the dawn the aircraft arrived close to the place where three concrete pylons has been constructed to serve as pedestal for permanent display of CCCP-77107.

On next 11th May, KNRTU-KAI will celebrate 85 years since its foundation and for that special day it is foreseen that the airplane is at least totally assembled, but due to the closeness of that day it is not sure works will be finished.

Obviously nose, wings ans tail will be assembled to the plane, but that will not happen with the four engines. None of them will be reinstalled, one will be displayed close to the aircraft, another one will remain in Institute of Aviation and the fate of the remaining two is uncertain, they will probably be sold.

Once the plane is totally assembly and raised to the top of the pedestal where it will be displayed, it is planned to restore and to repaint it. This Tu-144 has kept operational the nose and canards during al the time it was parked in the backyard of the Institute of Aviation, so let's wait that the restoration include make them operatives again. Total budget of museum project is estimated in 30 million Rubles and is planed to finish it before the commemoration of 50th anniversary of first flight of Tu-144 that took place on 31st December 1968.

Save the last Convair CV990 Coronado - 03/02/2017

Exceptionally this site wants to focus the attention in an airplane different than the Tu-144. This aircraft is one of the last four Convair CV990 Coronado still existing in the world. This former Spantax plane registered EC-BZO is parked into a military base close to the Palma de Mallorca Airport (PMI) since the company was in bankruptcy 30 years ago. The rest of Coronados of Spantax fleet were scrapped but this one was saved because it was inside the airbase.

A group of enthusiasts achieved in 2010 that the plane was catalogued as protected but now this protection is in danger to be removed because military authorities need the place where it is parked and have asked local government to remove it in order to have permission to scrap the plane.

If you appreciate this marvel of the skies you can sign this popular subscription to keep the airplane as "Catalogued Item". Any other help for the restoration and maintenance of the aircraft is appreciated and can be addressed to the Save the Convair Coronado group.

Transporting CCCP-77107 through the streets of Kazan - 26/11/2016

Recent images released by the local media Business Gazeta Online showed that the transportation of the Tu-144 registered CCCP-77107 is entering its final stage. In the video you can see how the left wing is sent through the city of Kazan at night and with a very important safeguard.

According to this video it seems right wing has been already separated and moved to the new location, so the transportation of fuselage of the aircraft will be done in the next weeks. That will be a really complicated operation as in a point of the trip the aircraft has to be raised over a bridge by using a 100 ton crane.

Project to install aircraft CCCP-77107 on display is in progress - 21/10/2016

Recent news and pictures received from Kazan, in central Russia, are indicating us that the Tu-144S registered CCCP-77107 that until now was stored in the Institute of Aviation of KAI will be put on display as a monument in the centre of the city soon. This aircraft was parked in a courtyard of the University since 1985 and was eventually used as classroom for students.

According to the info provided for some local newspapers, the nose was dismantled and moved to the new place some weeks ago where a pedestal is under construction, and now works are undergoing for removal of wings, tail and engines. Both wings and tail will be reinstalled on the plane once she arrives to her new location as a full restoration plan that includes the repainting and the reconditioning of cabin for visitors. It seems engines will not be fitted again to the plane.

Total cost of the project is estimated in several millions of Rubbles and was ideated by Albert Gilmutdinov, rector of KAI two years ago. It will be financed by KAI, KAPO and Kazan GiproNIIaviaprom, and has the support of the President of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov.

In the image on the left can be seen a concept of how the monument will look after the completion of the works. It is expected that aircraft will be installed in the new place at the end of 2017, will be repainted for next summer and will be open to visitors as an interactive museum one year later.

Moving the aircraft across the city will be a very complex logistic operation. After nose, wings, tail and engines were removed the weight is about 90 tons and 50 m length, this means many electrical installations as public lights, power lines of trolleybus, video cameras and traffic signals have to be removed in order to allow the transit of the plane. The selected place for the new home of the CCCP-77107 is an area between two buildings of KAI in the center of Kazan.

Moving Tu-144LL RA-77114 inside Zhukovsky airfield - 20/06/2016

As part of works for installation of Tu-144 registered RA-77114 as a monument in the city of Zhukovsky, the aircraft has been moved from the place where was placed several years ago to a new position. The new place where she was parked is very close to the previous one.

On the video can be seen the Tu-144 with nose raised and canards retracted and in very good state. Wheels seem have right pressure and hydraulic systems of main landing gear seems are fine. These facts show us that some maintenance works have been done in the last months on this aircraft.

A very special edition of MAKS-2015 - 29/08/2015

As every two years MAKS Airshow returned to Zhukovsky airbase for the 2015 edition. Like previous editions a fantastic collection of aircraft was displayed in the main runway, including the restored Tu-144D registered CCCP-77115, and companies from 65 countries showed theirs products in the surrounding pavilions.

This edition of MAKS was very special for me because I was lucky to assist to it, having the chance to see the last Tu-144 completed and go onboard it.

When you are close to her you can appreciate the fantastic restoration work because she looks ready to take off. Inside the cabin two separate areas can be found, one representing seats for first class and tourist passengers, and other with some panels with information about the Tu-144 project.

Works for installation of Tu-144 registered RA-77114 as memorial - 05/08/2015

Company NIK Ltd. has started works for installation of Tu-144, tail number RA-77114, as a memorial in Zhukovsky The project of Tu-144 memorial installation was developed jointly by NIK Ltd., organization “Aviation Legends” and Zhukovsky city authorities. The aircraft will be set up as a monument at the interception of Tupolev Street and Tupolev Highway.

A group of experts is working now on the design of exhibition, both externally as the aircraft interior. NIK’s volunteers are facing a number of technical problems, including preparation of the aircraft for painting which implies dismantling of wiring and sensors located on wings and fuselage as well as draining the fuel tank and other parts of the aircraft.

Copyright LLC «NIK»-2015.

This website celebrates 10 years online - 01/11/2013

This website dedicated to the Tupolev Tu-144 SST, first supersonic airliner that flew, celebrates its ten years online. In this decade the site has grown until became one of the best sites on the Internet dedicated this aircraft. This has been possible thanks to the cooperation of many people all around the world.

Thank you very much to all of them and to all the people that visit this site.

US Test Pilot of Tu-144LL C. Gordon Fullerton dies - 21/08/2013

C. Gordon Fullerton
Copyright NASA-1998.

The former NASA test pilot of Tu-144LL C. Gordon Fullerton died at the age of 76 in Lancaster, California.

Born in Rochester, New York in 1936 was graduated from U.S. Grant High School in Oregon and received Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, in 1957 and 1958, respectively.

He joined the U.S. Air Force in July 1958 where was trained as an F-86 interceptor pilot, and later became pilot of B-47 bomber. In 1966, Fullerton was selected for and served as a flight crew member for the Air Force Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) until 1969. When the program ended he entered in the NASA and was assigned to NASA Johnson Space Center as astronaut.

In 1977, he was one of the two men which piloted the Space Shuttle prototype Enterprise during the Approach and Landing Tests. Five years later was the pilot of the mission STS-3 onboard Space Shuttle Columbia and in 1985 was commander of the STS-51-F “Spacelab 2” mission with orbiter Challenger.

With over 16,000 hours of flying time, Fullerton piloted 135 different types of aircraft, including full qualification in the T-33, T-34, T-37, T-39, F-86, F-101, F-106, F-111, F-14, X-29, KC-135, C-140, and B-47. After joining Dryden as a research pilot, Fullerton piloted nearly all the research and support aircraft flown at the facility, including the T-38, F-18, F-15, B-52, NASA/Convair 990, 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, and the DC-8.

Fullerton was one of two NASA pilots who flew the Tu-144LL supersonic aircraft used in a joint high speed research program between Tupolev, NASA and others US firms.

He was awarded with the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, NASA Distinguished Service Medal, NASA Exceptional Service Medal and NASA Space Flight Medal between others awards and honours.

New Zealand Mint releases commemorative coins of Concorde and Tu-144 - July 2011

New Zealand Mint has issued a limited edition of 15,000 units of a two coin set with coloured commemorative coins as part of the Supersonic Jets Series. The denomination of the coins is two New Zealand Dollars and are struck in silver.

The obverse of the coin features The Raphael Maklouf effigy of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II. The semicircular inscription has the name of the Queen, the name of “NIUE” because the coins is dedicated to that island, the denomination of the coin “TWO DOLLARS” and the year of issue “2011”.
The reverse of the coins feature a coloured image of the Concorde or Tu-144 and their respective country flags, the match speed of each aircraft with her engraved name and the metal quality and weight of the coin.

Released commemorative coins of Tu-144 - 03/05/2011

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has put into circulation commemorative coins of precious metals minted in the series "The History of Russian Aviation" with the relief of the Tu-144 aircraft. The denomination of the coin is one rouble and is struck in fine silver.

The obverse: the relief image of the Emblem of the Bank of Russia - the two-headed eagle with wings down, and the semicircular inscription under it “BANK OF RUSSIA”, framed by a circle of beads. The inscriptions along the rim divided by dots indicate the denomination of the coin “ONE ROUBLE” and the year of issue “2011”.
The reverse side: the relief image of the “Tu-144” aircraft and its trace in the sky, performed in blue colour. The inscriptions are at the top along the circumference “THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN AVIATION” and at the bottom “Tu-144”.

Tu-144 will open the static display exposition of MAKS-2009 - 18/05/2009

The official website of MAKS-2009 announces that the Tu-144 will open the static display of the exposition that will take place at Zhukovsky airbase in August 18-23, 2009. Like in 2007 is expected that the last Tu-144D completed, the aircraft registered CCCP-77115, turns into one of the most visited of the exhibition. More than 15,000 persons made a tour inside the aircraft in the past edition of MAKS Airshow.

The Club of Heroes of the City of Zhukovsky announces on his website that the aircraft will be on display with the same internal configuration than two years ago, and invites to sponsors to use the plane as advertising. All founds will be used for the complete restoration of the aircraft.

All visitors will have also the possibility of to make a donation for the restoration of this beautiful aircraft.

Tu-144 Test Pilot Edward V. Elyan dies - 06/04/2009

Tu-144 flight test pilot Edward V. Elyan has sadly passed away at the age of 82.

He was born in Baku (Azerbaijan) on August 20th, 1926. In the period between the years 1938-1944 lived in Norilsk, Moscow and Sverdlovsk. In 1944 ended studies in the Sverdlovsk special school of the Air Forces and took part in the World War II.

After the war worked as pilot-instructor and test-pilot in many institutions until 1958. Between the years 1958 and 1960 was test-pilot for the OKB-Sukhoi. In that year he joined to the OKB-Tupolev until was retired in 1982. He was the pilot in the historic first flight of the Tu-144 registered CCCP-68001 on December 31st, 1968.

After the retirement lived in Moscow and later in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

He was awarded with Lenin Order, Order of Red Banner and Order of Red Star, medals. Also was awarded with the Tissande Diploma from the FAI in 1969. Was designed Hero Of The Soviet Union on April 26th, 1971.

Edward V. Elyan

He took part very actively in all the development program of the Tu-144. He was member of the Soviet delegation present at Paris Air Show the day of the accident of the Tu-144S registered CCCP-77102. After the accident declared: “This crash was sad example showing how coincidence of minor negligence also from French air traffic control services resulted in tragedy”.

He was also onboard the first Tu-144D registered CCCP-77111 when did an emergency crash-landing in Yegoryevsk in 1978. As result of the accident Elyan suffered small injures.

In the last years he was very active in all efforts directed to save and restore the last two Tu-144D stored at the Zhukovsky Air Base near Moscow.

Tu-144D on display at MAKS-2007 Airshow - 21/08/2007

After many years parked on the ramp at Zhukovsky Air Base, the Tu-144D registered CCCP-77115 has been restored, thanks to the Club of Heroes of the City of Zhukovsky, and now is one of the aircraft on display at the MAKS-2007 Airshow until Sunday, 26th August. She looks like in her better days because she has been repainted with the Aeroflot livery.

On this page of the Club you can see the current state of the last completed Tu-144 at MAKS-2007 Airshow.

CCCP-77115 will be on display at MAKS-2007 AirShow - 28/04/2007

The Club of Heroes of the City of Zhukovsky informs in his website that is scheduled that the Tu-144D registered CCCP-77115 will be on display in the MAKS-2007 AirShow that will take place at the Zhukovsky Air Base from 21st August until 26th August. This program still depends on the necessary funds for the whole restoration of the aircraft.

Tu-144D in MAKS-2007

The passengers' cabin will be divided into two sections. The forward half of the first section will have 6-8 seats for VIP visitors, a screen with a projector for viewing presentations, a case-bar and a stand for souvenirs. The back half will be for demonstration and displays.

The back section will be also divided. The forward half will be equipped with two workplaces where a virtual flight to the stratosphere will be simulated and the back half will have a representation of the passengers' cabin of the Tu-144 as it was in her regular flights.

When the MAKS-2007 AirShow ends, and with the aircraft fully restored, it is foreseen that remains on display as a monument in the city of Zhukovsky. A company will be designated to control the visits, the maintenance and the exploitation of the monument.

On the right you can see the final proposal for the monument.

Tu-144LL Flying Laboratory will be also preserved - 24/08/2006

After a social movement that have involved many Russians associations and institutions, this site can affirm that the Tu-144LL registered RA-77114 is also saved and will be preserved and on display at Moscow.

The foreseen place where she will be installed is still undefined, but an aviation museum that will be created the next year at Khodinskoe Pole, in downtown Moscow, is the most probably location. Another place might be at VDNH, the Exhibition Center of Moscow.

RA-77114 is a unique aircraft because she was the only one Tu-144 converted into Flying Laboratory as part of the joint program between Tupolev and NASA for the development of a supersonic transport of second generation, SST-2. She is also the holder of 14 world records of speed, altitude and payload.

Her current state is not pretty good, all the instruments installed during her life as Flying Laboratory have been removed and the original equipment was not put back. She is also without engines.

When this project becomes a reality and CCCP-77115 is on display as a monument in Zhukovsky, Moscow will be the only one city of the world with three Tu-144 preserved.

Tu-144D registered CCCP-77115 definitively saved - 01/06/2006

The last completed Tu-144D registered CCCP-77115 will not be scrapped and will be on display at the city of Zhukovsky as soon as possible. This information is from the Club of Heroes of the City of Zhukovsky that has collected until the moment 3 million rubles of the 10 million asked for the owner of the aircraft.

The aircraft will be restored and placed on a well-preserved place. At last seems that the efforts of the Russian lovers of aviation have given a good end to one of the most important piece of their aeronautical history.

77115 probably saved but 77114 still in danger - 13/04/2006

After many contacts with different persons in Russia it seems that the Tu-144D registered CCCP-77115 will be placed as a monument at the city of Zhukovsky. According this info, this aircraft still belongs to the ANTK Tupolev and a contract has been signed for to restore and place it on a public square at the city of Zhukovsky. CCCP-77115 was the last completed Tu-144, and she still maintains the original engines and avionics.

The image on the right is a proposal for the Tu-144's monument at Zhukovsky.

In other side of the coin is the fate of the Tu-144LL registered RA-77114. This aircraft has been sold to Zvetmet, a company related with nonferrous scrap activities. The Kuznetsov NK-321 engines were removed from this aircraft after the MAKS-2005 AirShow and after years of open air storage her hulk seems dirty, but we can't forget that this aircraft suffered a expensive transformation of 350 million $ when she was converted into Flying Laboratory in 1996, and she's still the holder of 14 world records.

Obviously the price of this aircraft is bigger as a Tu-144 than as a mountain of metal. Any aviation museum of the world will be proud to have on display this wonderful piece of the aviation history.

Two Tu-144 aircraft are in danger - 06/04/2006

According to the info of a Russian TV, two Tu-144 aircraft registered RA-77114 and CCCP-77115 parked at Zhukovsky Air Base near Moscow, have been sold and will be scraped soon.

This site is trying to contact with different persons and organizations in Russia for to save both aircraft because the Tu-144 is a very important part of the aeronautical world history.

Click on the logos for to see the history of both aircraft
Aircraft 08-2 : RA-77114 Aircraft 09-1 : CCCP-77115

Works on progress inside the Tu-144 at Auto & Technik Museum in Sinsheim - 15/02/2006

According to a report from Auto & Technik Museum, the Tu-144 on display at Sinsheim is under a series of inside modifications that will compare her to the Concorde's state.

A new carpet has been installed on the floor. This carpet is very strong and it has rubber on its underside, so that water and salt cannot harm the airplane's floor.

Also now everything will be covered with plexi plastic like in the Concorde. The reason is to avoid that nothing can be stolen or damaged. Another change is the addition of some more seats, now the visitors can see and feel how it was in a supersonic aircraft. These seats are not original Tu-144 seats, they are taken from a “Malév” Tu-134 on display also at Sinsheim.

It is expected that these works will be ready for the next weekend.